Monday, June 24, 2013

Testing out watermark.

Never thought of the idea of watermark, pretty easy trick. 
Yesterday i was hoping to catch the big moon of the year, but dissapointed because it was not big from the view of Sweden =( I'm so envious of people who can see the moon so close from their countries. Although it was a little bigger than usually and so bright, like a pearl...

Another one..

Beauty shot and high end retouch without beauty dish .

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Testing out HDR with Photomatrix

The fact they add the watermark everywhere on the photo makes you want to buy license .... lol

Beauty shot test without beauty dish.

Using only one flash and took my time doing high-end retouch as well. Ah, i'm still a beginner at this. It takes plenty of time doing this kind of retouch, retoucher sure is a jobb with patience lol.

I want to do more fashion shot with real models and stuffs, which i haven't really got a hold into in the new place so i've been tesing out on myself in this 20square room, yep... in my little corner, not a studio really but who cares if as long as you can take photos so whereabouts doesn't matter x)

Yes, the door is my best backgrounds ="D. White door can create white och grey background or just hang something else on it and you'll get the background as you please. Remember, if you've got the right stuffs and creativity, you can take photos anywhere!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Leopard goddess

 I'm running out of idea.... but i'm happy the fact i keep improving in lighting using only 2 flashes and whatever more material i have at home x)

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Afternoon light, close to window ( about 3 meters) with white board infront of me (on the floor). 1/100, f/2.5 , iso100. Shot with 35mm 1.2
If there is light, there is photography ;)

Call me red

I am obsessed by the color red, beside black indeed